Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sleepless across the continent

When you receive tickets for your next business trip, don't bother bringing that shopping list with you.

Business trip; biznis trip:
A deliberate or systematic infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more organizations in an attempt to gather corporations or individuals for a social act of assembling for some common purpose. Hectic schedules involve checking in and out from hotel to hotel and flying from city to city across 10 states as well as attending endless meetings from 7.30am to 6.00pm before rushing to catch the 8.40pm flight to the next city only to be delayed to the 10.15pm flight.

Other than that, it was great fun. Fun being the part where you get to meet people and dine at the best Italian restaurants at the expense of others.


Anonymous said...

you're back!

Zan said...

I didn't get your sms. I lost my phone recently, just got my sim replaced, so if you could send me the sms again. Going Kansai tonight! hmmm, kawaii no onna, soshite osakaben!

The difference between your business trip and mine is, you travel, to work, while I work, to travel. :D

Anonymous said...

what? no more updates?

samah kambing said...

min update la makan kang baru tau.