The elevator
Today was a tad slow. Nothing interesting ever happens so I couldn't have been happier when 1 o'clock came. I rush out my office to the elevator, already listing possible dishes I could have for lunch.
The elevator finally stops at my floor. The door swings open and in there stands THE Big Big Boss and the Big Boss (and some other guy).
Great. I reluctantly step inside, trying my best to act invisible. Awkwardly, I stand in between BBB and BB while they speak to each other and Guy 1. All the while I was hoping nobody would realize I was there and ask me a question. Or worse, my tummy would growl.
We stop at a floor below and BB gets out. The elevator door barely closes when THE BBB suddenly catches me off guard.
"Hah, Yazmin! How's the share market today?"
Shitshitshit. "Uh.."
"Yazmin is one of our officers," BBB cuts me off to introduce me to Guy 1. "She studied computers at CMU," he continues.
What the heck is the market price at again???
Guy 1 looks at me and holds out his hand and I grab it in relief. Anything to get out of answering BBB's share market question.
"Hi, I'm Chewbacca from K." It probably wasn't, but I wasn't paying attention.
"Yazmin." (Still gripping his hand.) RM11.50?
"Nice to meet you." Shake, shake, shake. Come on 2nd floor....RM11.60?
"Ah, here's my floor!" says BBB. "OK then Chewbacca..." Gogogogogo!
I can almost smell sweet, sweet freedom. The elevator door bumps into BBB a couple of times since he's standing between the opening. I can't believe my luck.
"I'll see you later," he tells us, and says something that makes Chewy laugh.
I laugh along. Yay! I'm freeee......
"So... Yazmin... how is the share market now?"
**&$$#@#*!! Are you kidding me???
"It's unchanged at RM11.60, sir. Still the same," I say with such confidence I almost believed I was good at my job.
"Ah good, good. OK then. Bye!"
The doors finally close. And I'm left with Chewy feeling shaken.
And shamelessly impressed.